Source code for wolk_gateway_module.json_registration_protocol

"""Handling of device registration using JSON_PROTOCOL."""
#   Copyright 2019 WolkAbout Technology s.r.o.
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.
import json

from wolk_gateway_module.logger_factory import logger_factory
from wolk_gateway_module.model.device_registration_request import (
from wolk_gateway_module.model.device_registration_response import (
from wolk_gateway_module.model.device_registration_response_result import (
from wolk_gateway_module.model.message import Message
from wolk_gateway_module.protocol.registration_protocol import (

[docs]class JsonRegistrationProtocol(RegistrationProtocol): """Send device registration requests and handle their responses.""" DEVICE_PATH_PREFIX = "d/" CHANNEL_WILDCARD = "#" DEVICE_REGISTRATION_REQUEST_TOPIC_ROOT = "d2p/register_subdevice_request/" DEVICE_REGISTRATION_RESPONSE_TOPIC_ROOT = ( "p2d/register_subdevice_response/" ) def __init__(self) -> None: """Create object.""" self.log = logger_factory.get_logger(str(self.__class__.__name__)) def __repr__(self) -> str: """ Make string representation of JsonRegistrationProtocol. :returns: representation :rtype: str """ return "JsonRegistrationProtocol()"
[docs] def get_inbound_topics_for_device(self, device_key: str) -> list: """ Return list of inbound topics for given device key. :param device_key: Device key for which to create topics :type device_key: str :returns: inbound_topics :rtype: list """ inbound_topics = [ self.DEVICE_REGISTRATION_RESPONSE_TOPIC_ROOT + self.DEVICE_PATH_PREFIX + device_key ] self.log.debug(f"Inbound topics for {device_key} : {inbound_topics}") return inbound_topics
[docs] def extract_key_from_message(self, message: Message) -> str: """ Return device key from message. :param message: Message received :type message: Message :returns: device_key :rtype: str """ device_key = message.topic.split("/")[-1] self.log.debug(f"Made {device_key} from {message}") return device_key
[docs] def is_registration_response_message(self, message: Message) -> bool: """ Check if message is device registration response. :param message: Message received :type message: Message :returns: is_device_registration_response :rtype: bool """ is_device_registration_response = message.topic.startswith( self.DEVICE_REGISTRATION_RESPONSE_TOPIC_ROOT ) self.log.debug( f"Is {message} device registration response " f"message: {is_device_registration_response}" ) return is_device_registration_response
[docs] def make_registration_message( self, request: DeviceRegistrationRequest ) -> Message: """ Make message from device registration request. :param request: Device registration request :type request: DeviceRegistrationRequest :returns: message :rtype: Message """ request_dict = { "name":, "deviceKey": request.key, "defaultBinding": request.default_binding, "typeParameters": request.template.type_parameters, "connectivityParameters": request.template.connectivity_parameters, } if request.template.supports_firmware_update: request_dict["firmwareUpdateType"] = "DFU" else: request_dict["firmwareUpdateType"] = "" request_dict["sensors"] = [ sensor.to_dto() for sensor in request.template.sensors ] request_dict["actuators"] = [ actuator.to_dto() for actuator in request.template.actuators ] request_dict["alarms"] = [ alarm.to_dto() for alarm in request.template.alarms ] request_dict["configurations"] = [ configuration.to_dto() for configuration in request.template.configurations ] if ( "supportsFirmwareUpdate" not in request.template.firmware_update_parameters ): request.template.firmware_update_parameters[ "supportsFirmwareUpdate" ] = request.template.supports_firmware_update request_dict[ "firmwareUpdateParameters" ] = request.template.firmware_update_parameters message = Message( self.DEVICE_REGISTRATION_REQUEST_TOPIC_ROOT + self.DEVICE_PATH_PREFIX + request.key, json.dumps(request_dict, ensure_ascii=False) .encode("utf-8") .decode("utf-8"), ) self.log.debug(f"Made {message} from {request}") return message
[docs] def make_registration_response( self, message: Message ) -> DeviceRegistrationResponse: """ Make device registration response from message. :param message: Message received :rtype message: Message :returns: device_registration_response :rtype: DeviceRegistrationResponse """ response = json.loads(message.payload) # type: ignore result = DeviceRegistrationResponseResult.ERROR_UNKNOWN for enumeration in DeviceRegistrationResponseResult: if response["result"] == enumeration.value: result = enumeration break description = ( response["description"] if "description" in response else "" ) device_registration_response = DeviceRegistrationResponse( response["payload"]["deviceKey"], result, description ) self.log.debug(f"Made {device_registration_response} from {message}") return device_registration_response