Source code for wolk_gateway_module.model.reading_type

"""Reading type used for registering devices on WolkAbout IoT Platform."""
#   Copyright 2019 WolkAbout Technology s.r.o.
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.
from typing import Optional
from typing import Union

from wolk_gateway_module.model.data_type import DataType
from wolk_gateway_module.model.reading_type_measurement_unit import (
    ReadingTypeMeasurementUnit as Unit,
from wolk_gateway_module.model.reading_type_name import ReadingTypeName as Name

[docs]class ReadingType: """ Reading type used for registering sensors on WolkAbout IoT Platform. Define a reading type for sensors, either a generic type by specifying a ``DataType`` (numeric, boolean or string) or entering a predefined one by using the enumerations provided in ``ReadingTypeName`` and ``ReadingTypeMeasurementUnit`` . Custom reading types can be used by passing string values for the name and measurement unit. :ivar name: Name of reading type :vartype name: Union[ReadingTypeName, str] :ivar unit: Measurement unit of reading type :vartype unit: Union[ReadingTypeMeasurementUnit, str] """
[docs] def __init__( self, data_type: Optional[DataType] = None, name: Optional[Union[Name, str]] = None, unit: Optional[Union[Unit, str]] = None, ): """ Reading type used for registering device's sensors. :param data_type: Data type for generic reading type :type data_type: Optional[DataType] :param name: Reading type name from defined enumeration or string for custom :type name: Optional[Union[ReadingTypeName, str]] :param unit: Reading type measurement unit from defined enumeration or string for custom :type unit: Optional[Union[ReadingTypeMeasurementUnit, str]] :raises ValueError: Unable to create a reading type from given input """ if not data_type and not name and not unit: raise ValueError("Nothing passed, can't create reading type") if data_type: if not isinstance(data_type, DataType): raise ValueError("Invalid data type given") if data_type == DataType.NUMERIC: Union[Name, str] = Name.GENERIC self.unit: Union[Unit, str] = Unit.NUMERIC elif data_type == DataType.BOOLEAN: = Name.GENERIC_BOOLEAN self.unit = Unit.BOOLEAN elif data_type == DataType.STRING: = Name.GENERIC_TEXT self.unit = Unit.TEXT return if not (name and (isinstance(unit, str) or isinstance(unit, Unit))): raise ValueError("Both name and unit must be provided") if not ReadingType.validate(name, unit): raise ValueError("Invalid reading type name or unit") = name self.unit = unit
def __repr__(self) -> str: """ Make string representation of reading type. :returns: representation :rtype: str """ return f"ReadingType(name='{}', unit='{self.unit}')" @staticmethod def validate(name: Union[Name, str], unit: Union[Unit, str]) -> bool: """ Validate reading type name and measurement unit. :param name: Reading type name :type name: Union[ReadingTypeName, str] :param unit: Reading type measurement unit :type unit: Union[ReadingTypeMeasurementUnit, str] :returns: valid :rtype: bool """ if not (isinstance(name, Name) or type(name) == str): return False if not (isinstance(unit, Unit) or type(unit) == str): return False if type(name) == str and type(unit) == str: return True if name == Name.GENERIC: return ( True if unit == Unit.NUMERIC or unit == Unit.BIT or unit == Unit.PERCENT or unit == Unit.CO2_MOL or unit == Unit.X10C or unit == Unit.X100V or unit == Unit.X10PA else False ) elif name == Name.TEMPERATURE: return ( True if unit == Unit.KELVIN or unit == Unit.CELSIUS or unit == Unit.FAHRENHEIT or unit == Unit.CELSIUS_X2 or unit == Unit.CELSIUS_X10 else False ) elif name == Name.PRESSURE: return ( True if unit == Unit.PASCAL or unit == Unit.MILLIMETER_OF_MERCURY or unit == Unit.INCH_OF_MERCURY or unit == Unit.BAR or unit == Unit.ATMOSPHERE or unit == Unit.MILLIBAR or unit == Unit.PRESSURE_PERCENT or unit == Unit.MILLIBAR_X10 or unit == Unit.MICROBAR or unit == Unit.KILO_PASCAL else False ) elif name == Name.HUMIDITY: return ( True if unit == Unit.HUMIDITY_PERCENT or unit == Unit.HUMIDITY_PERCENT_X10 else False ) elif name == Name.BATTERY_VOLTAGE: return ( True if unit == Unit.VOLT or unit == Unit.MILLIVOLT or unit == Unit.CENTIVOLT else False ) elif name == Name.MOVEMENT: return True if unit == Unit.MOVEMENT else False elif name == Name.LIGHT: return True if unit == Unit.LIGHT_PERCENT else False elif name == Name.ACCELEROMETER: return ( True if unit == Unit.METRES_PER_SQUARE_SECOND or unit == Unit.GRAVITY else False ) elif name == Name.GYROSCOPE: return True if unit == Unit.GYROSCOPE else False elif name == Name.LOCATION: return True if unit == Unit.LOCATION else False elif name == Name.HEART_RATE: return True if unit == Unit.BEATS_PER_MINUTE else False elif name == Name.BATTERY_POWER: return ( True if unit == Unit.BATTERY or unit == Unit.BATTERY_X1000 else False ) elif name == Name.BREATHING_RATE: return True if unit == Unit.BREATHS_PER_MINUTE else False elif name == Name.CALORIES: return True if unit == Unit.CALORIES else False elif name == Name.ELECTRIC_CURRENT: return ( True if unit == Unit.AMPERE or unit == Unit.MILLIAMPERE else False ) elif name == Name.POWER: return ( True if unit == Unit.WATT or unit == Unit.HORSEPOWER or unit == Unit.MILLIWATT else False ) elif name == Name.FLOOR_POSITION: return True if unit == Unit.METER else False elif name == Name.FLUID_VOLUME: return ( True if unit == Unit.OUNCE_LIQUID_UK or unit == Unit.OUNCE_LIQUID_US or unit == Unit.LITRE or unit == Unit.MILLILITRE or unit == Unit.GALLON_UK or unit == Unit.GALLON_DRY_US else False ) elif name == Name.LENGHT: return ( True if unit == Unit.METRE or unit == Unit.MILE or unit == Unit.FOOT or unit == Unit.POINT or unit == Unit.INCH or unit == Unit.PARSEC or unit == Unit.YARD or unit == Unit.MILLIMETER or unit == Unit.CENTIMETER or unit == Unit.KILOMETER else False ) elif name == Name.MASS: return ( True if unit == Unit.KILOGRAM or unit == Unit.GRAM or unit == Unit.MILLIGRAM or unit == Unit.METRIC_TON or unit == Unit.ATOMIC_MASS or unit == Unit.GALLON_LIQUID_US or unit == Unit.TON_UK or unit == Unit.TON_US or unit == Unit.POUND or unit == Unit.OUNCE or unit == Unit.ELECTRON_MASS else False ) elif name == Name.SOUND_LEVEL: return True if unit == Unit.DECIBEL else False elif name == Name.SPEED: return ( True if unit == Unit.KNOT or unit == Unit.KILOMETERS_PER_HOUR or unit == Unit.MILES_PER_HOUR or unit == Unit.MACH or unit == Unit.SPEED_OF_LIGHT or unit == Unit.METER_PER_SECOND else False ) elif name == Name.TIME: return ( True if unit == Unit.SECOND or unit == Unit.MINUTE or unit == Unit.HOUR or unit == Unit.MONTH or unit == Unit.DAY or unit == Unit.WEEK or unit == Unit.YEAR else False ) elif name == Name.MAGNETIC_FLUX_DENSITY: return ( True if unit == Unit.TESLA or unit == Unit.GAUSS or unit == Unit.MICRO_TESLA else False ) elif name == Name.RADIATION: return ( True if unit == Unit.SIEVERT or unit == Unit.BECQUEREL or unit == Unit.RUTHERFORD or unit == Unit.ROENTGEN or unit == Unit.RADIATION_DOSE_EFFECTIVE or unit == Unit.CURIE else False ) elif name == Name.FORCE: return ( True if unit == Unit.NEWTON or unit == Unit.POUND_FORCE or unit == Unit.GRAVITY_FORCE or unit == Unit.KILOGRAM_FORCE or unit == Unit.DYNE else False ) elif name == Name.MEASURE: return ( True if unit == Unit.SQUARE_METRE or unit == Unit.CUBIC_METRE or unit == Unit.BYTE or unit == Unit.GRADE or unit == Unit.HECTARE or unit == Unit.CUBIC_INCH or unit == Unit.REVOLUTION or unit == Unit.CENTIRADIAN or unit == Unit.RAD or unit == Unit.COMPUTER_POINT or unit == Unit.DEGREE_ANGLE or unit == Unit.SECOND_ANGLE or unit == Unit.MINUTE_ANGLE or unit == Unit.SPHERE or unit == Unit.ARE else False ) elif name == Name.ANGLE: return True if unit == Unit.RADIAN else False elif name == Name.FREQUENCY: return ( True if unit == Unit.HERTZ or unit == Unit.MEGA_HERTZ or unit == Unit.GIGA_HERTZ else False ) elif name == Name.MAGNETIC_FLUX: return ( True if unit == Unit.WEBER or unit == Unit.MAXWELL else False ) elif name == Name.ELECTRIC_CAPACITY: return ( True if unit == Unit.FARAD or unit == Unit.FARADAY else False ) elif name == Name.ELECTRIC_RESISTANCE: return True if unit == Unit.OHM else False elif name == Name.ELECTRIC_MAGNETISM: return True if unit == Unit.GILBERT else False elif name == Name.ELECTRIC_ENERGY: return ( True if unit == Unit.JOULE or unit == Unit.ELECTRON_VOLT else False ) elif name == Name.ELECTRIC_INDUCTANCE: return True if unit == Unit.HENRY else False elif name == Name.ELECTRIC_CONDUCTANCE: return True if unit == Unit.SIEMENS else False elif name == Name.LUMINOUS_FLUX: return True if unit == Unit.LUMEN else False elif name == Name.LUMINOUS_INTENSITY: return True if unit == Unit.CANDELA else False elif name == Name.ILLUMINANCE: return True if unit == Unit.LUX else False elif name == Name.GENERIC_TEXT: return True if unit == Unit.TEXT else False elif name == Name.GENERIC_BOOLEAN: return True if unit == Unit.BOOLEAN else False assert False